Book by June 28, 2024 to Save an Extra $3,400 on Average on Exotic Journeys*
Take your wanderlust on a fascinating journey into exotic lands with incredible savings: our limited-time Spring Savings Sale offers an extra 25% savings ($3,400 average savings per couple)* on top of PONANT Bonus Rate savings of up to 30%.
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From Central America to the Persian Gulf: Save an Extra 25%*
“A sumptuous cruise…”
Following a sumptuous cruise that took us from Hawaii to Tahiti through the Marquesas and Tuamotu, we watched a show hosted by a local troupe on board Le Boreal. Happy times, filled with nostalgia: many of us fly back to Paris tomorrow... Too bad! We are already thinking about the next cruise.
-LUC D. aboard L’Austral
*New bookings only, created and deposited 05/13-06/28 inclusive. Savings is in addition to PONANT Bonus at time of deposit. Applicable on select PONANT sailings (AU061224, BO050824, BO070724, BO090624, BO200724, BO230624, BO280824, BO281224, CC021224, CC071124, CC110624, CC120824, CC250624, CC260924, EC040924, EC130824, EC140924, EE061224). Available only to residents of the United States and Canada. Combinable only with PONANT Bonus and contracted partner amenities. Not combinable with any other Consumer incentives. Discount Code: SPRINGUS. Savings is applied at time of deposit and is on cruise component only. Savings amount based on lowest available rate at time of deployment. Subject to availability and may be changed or withdrawn without prior notice.